Summer sheer cotton shawl
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 A large, sheer stole perfect for midsummer. Made of 100% cotton and can be hand-washed. Excellent for protection against air conditioning and direct sunlight! It's 85 cm wide and 2 meters long. Being lightweight, it can be easily rolled up and kept in your bag, making it very convenient. 100% cotton - ¥1,900 (¥2,090 including tax) ▲Even if you roll it ▲Even if you tie it

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 真夏にぴったりな透け感のある大判ストール。綿100%でお洗濯も手洗いしていただけます。 クーラー除け・直射日光除けに効果抜群!85センチ幅で長さは2mあります。薄手ですのでくるくるっと巻いてバッグの中に入れておくととっても重宝しそうですね。...

A kimono with hand embroidery on tsumugi silk
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 A lovely pattern with hand embroidery on a tsumugi kimono. It features a retro lamp design. The intricately hand-stitched embroidery can only be described as masterful craftsmanship. I hear it will be worn for the "Hitori Gatari" (Solo Storytelling) event. It's sure to stand out beautifully on stage!

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 紬の着物に手刺繍が施された素敵な柄。レトロなランプ柄です。 細かく手刺しされた刺繍は職人技としかいいようがありません。 『ひとり語り』の会、でお召しになられるそうです。舞台で映えることでしょう!

Summer white blouse
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 July has arrived. Since the rainy season started late this year, I'm not yet used to this humid, rainy season feeling. But before we know it, the blazing summer sun will be upon us. I want to escape this current humidity, so I'm wishing for summer to come quickly, but then I'll just complain about the heat! That's how we humans are! We've received a blouse that's perfect for this season. It's a...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 7月に入りました。梅雨入りが遅かったのでまだこのジメジメ梅雨感に慣れていませんが、アッという間にギラギラ太陽の夏がやってくるのですね。今のジメジメから逃れたいから、早く夏が来ないかな~と思いますが、暑ければ暑いで文句が出る!人間ってヤツは!...

Remake a long blouse from Kurume kasuri fabric
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 I have received a piece of Kurume kasuri fabric and remade it into a long blouse. Kurume kasuri is a traditional craft that has been loved for many years due to its beautiful patterns and high practicality. Although machine-woven fabrics have become more common recently, the piece I received is an impressive hand-woven one with a distinctive pattern. Being made of cotton, it is highly durable...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 久留米絣をお預かりしてロングブラウスをリメイクしました。 久留米絣は、その美しい模様と高い実用性から、長年愛されている伝統工芸品です。最近は機械織りが多くなってしまいましたが、お預かりしたのは立派な手織り。柄も特徴的です。...

Remake a long blouse from a dragonfly-patterned ro kimono (thin and lightweight summer kimono).
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 I accepted a silk kimono and remade it into a long blouse. It's the same Rurimon original design as the long blouse introduced in my previous blog post. The dynamic dragonfly pattern is overflowing with vitality. It's made with a single layer to achieve a sheer look, resulting in a wonderfully light wearing experience that's perfect for a summer outer garment. Of course, it can also be...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 絽の着物をお預かりしてロングブラウスをリメイクしました。前回のブログでご紹介したロングブラウスと同じ、瑠璃門オリジナルデザインです。...
