Handwoven Kurume Kasuri (traditional Japanese ikat) long vest
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 We have received a shipment of long vests made from rare hand-woven Kurume Kasuri fabric. While the cold wind still bites, spring is just around the corner. When it warms up, you'll want to shed your coat and slip on this light long vest. The red ribbon at the neckline can be gathered to create a lovely accent with just the right amount of pleating. Hand-woven Kurume Kasuri has become a very...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 珍しい手織りの久留米絣で仕立てたロングベストが入荷しました。まだまだ冷たい風が沁みますが、春はすぐそこ。暖かくなったらコートを脱いで軽やかにロングベストを羽織りたいものです。...

What to wear after Setsubun... it's troubling
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 Although Setsubun (the traditional bean-throwing festival) has passed, cold winds continue to blow. Some regions are expected to experience the strongest cold wave of the season... To those living in snowy regions, please take care and stay safe. Our new poncho has arrived. It features two buttons that can be switched, allowing for two different wearing styles. Spring is just around the corner!...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 節分は過ぎましたが、まだまだ冷たい風が吹いています。地域によっては今シーズン最強の寒波が来るそう・・・。 雪の地方の皆様もどうぞお気を付けてお過ごしくださいませ。...

Spring's new line of cut-and-sew tops
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 New spring cut-and-sew tops have arrived. The edges are adorned with colorful handwoven cotton for a cute and elegant look. Although the cold winds continue, let's try to keep our spirits light and cheerful! 100% cotton Length: 55cm Unlined Retail price: ¥4,900 (¥5,390 including tax) ▲The border is made of colorful hand-woven cotton

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 春の新作カットソーが入荷しました。縁取りはカラフルな手織り木綿を使って可愛らしく華やかに。 まだまだ冷たい風が続きますが、気持ちだけでも軽やかに過ごしたいですね! 綿100%・着丈55㎝・裏無し・上代¥4,900(税込¥5,390) ▲縁取りはカラフルな手織り木綿

Remake a wedding dress from a houmongi (formal visiting kimono)
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 Happy New Year, though it's quite late! This year too, I will continue to work hard to deliver results that will make everyone happy. Thank you for your continued support. My first post of the year is about a dress for a mother to wear to her daughter's wedding. It was remade from a formal kimono (houmongi). It features an auspicious pattern of cranes in flight on a soft gray background. The...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 大変遅くなりましたが、新年あけましておめでとうございます。 今年も皆様に喜んで頂けるようなお仕事をめざして、精進してまいります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。...

Reversible Hat Made from Coat Remnant Fabric
Hello, this is the kimono remake and kimono reform service in Yokohama Aobadai.『gallery/rurimon』 I created a reversible hat using the leftover fabric from a reversible coat I previously made. It was just enough fabric to make one hat. This is an original Rurimon design. Since both the coat and the hat are reversible, you can enjoy them in 6 different ways. After making items like coats, you often have leftover fabric that's not quite enough for another full piece... We welcome your...

こんにちは、横浜青葉台の着物リメイク・着物リフォームの『ギャラリー瑠璃門/るりもん』です! 以前お作りしたリバーシブルコートの残布でリバーシブル帽子をお作りしました。ちょうど、帽子一枚分の残布。瑠璃門オリジナルデザインです。 コートも帽子もリバーシブルなので、6wayでお楽しみ頂けますね。...
